U.S. National Debt

The current U.S. national debt:



About Us

Goldzilla1.com is a division of MITCHELL CONSULTING & Capital Group, LLC.

Goldzilla1.com was founded by Michael Mitchell based on the premise of wanting to share his vision, insights, and instincts that have time and again become reality.  Mr. Mitchell has made a positive impact both in life and financial contributions to those investing in the businesses and projects he recommended. Mr. Mitchell has at heart the best interests of the people today, their children, and generations to come. He is striving continuously to stay ahead of consequences and dire times ahead and is on a mission to help prepare people to survive and prosper in these most uncertain of times looming nearer and nearer. And in these times we will see changes the likes we have never seen or witnessed before, changes that will surely and dramatically shape the “financial landscape” of millions and millions of people and their countries for decades to come.

Are you ready? Do you have the “facts?”  Definitely not, if you watch and rely on television for your main source of information and surely if you haven’t been spending time on, or understanding “economy mechanics” and getting the true numbers of the underlying statistics. These statistics make up the U.S.’s financial condition and those of other countries. In my opinion, it is significant to prepare for an inevitable collapse of our paper money world financial system. Chaos will ensue! My advice is get educated one way or another before this happens. Only then can you take the responsible steps to protect you and yours.

I am passionate about my future and I am prepared…are you?

In 2006 i did an interview with Agoracom.com where I boldly predicted gold would go to over 1,000 an ounce. (Gold subsequently went to 1920.

I also made this same prediction on “The wallstreet newshour” in 2006 in an interview. These are well documented and founder of both these co’s can verify.

Fortune 1000 adviser to help them build wealth.

Location: San Diego, CA 92011

Hours: Mon – Fri: 9AM – 6PM | Sat-Sun: Closed