U.S. National Debt

The current U.S. national debt:



Business Consulting

After a career as a stockbroker/investment banker learning to research a company and doing years and years of due diligence, we are the best at determining good companies from failing ones. I have seen firsthand what makes an invention, idea, or product become successful. It is without a doubt due to the management of that invention, idea, or product. In other words, the people in charge. I have learned through extensive work in this area that great management can make any invention, idea, or product work. Therefore, I have devoted a great amount of time in understanding how a bad, good, or great C.E.O., president, etc., thinks, acts, and envisions their success, and how they plan accordingly. This fact is essential in being successful in your endeavor to start, build, maintain, or turn around your business or company.

The above  information is priceless and I can share my knowledge with you to make your invention, startup business, or existing company successful. This knowledge has been gained by not only vast experience firsthand, but by myself becoming proficient in recognizing a good, bad, or great idea when I see one.

e-mail, or call me for a one-on-one consultation so that I may give you a glimpse of my experience and creativity around your invention, idea, business or company. There are infinite possibilities available to you through me. I will welcome the opportunity and look forward to the possibility of teaming up with you and helping to fulfill your ideal dream business! Look at a couple of the testimonials on the Testimonials page.

Schedule your consultation today. E-mail or call me and type “Business Consult” in subject line followed by your name and phone numbers and best times to get in touch with you.

Work phone: 1-760-448-5377 or e-mail us at goldzilla1@gmail.com