U.S. National Debt

The current U.S. national debt:



So after almost ten years, the Federal Reserve System, now run under Chairwoman Janet Yellen, raised the interest rate .25 percentage points. The initial reaction from the Dow was to lose nearly 370 points. Are we going to see roller coaster volatility in the market now? We very well may. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average experiences any given large loss in a single day or two, you can always count on some brave souls to run in and buy the deflated stocks and you often get a bounce back that takes you higher than before the initial downturn.


The ultimate fate is also inextricably tied in with the slumping price of a barrel of oil. The Middle East oil barons typically lower the oil prices when America kicks into domestic production. Doing so has kept American oil production at bay for years. The process of fracking may have created an oil and natural gas glut in the U.S. but the continuous lowering of the price of a barrel of oil largely by the Saudi’s has greatly changed the domestic profit margins. Coupled with a huge smuggling of black market oil by ISIS, Russia doing everything they can to leverage their sales in Europe, Europe entering into what could be a serious financial crisis and the whole world seeming to be on the brink of a calamity, investors might be perplexed how to protect themselves in such a risky environment.


This is where the experts at Goldzilla come in. Their decades of accumulative experience in making the right investment suggestions have proven a Godsend to their clients. You might think that under the pressures that today’s world represents, it is simply a matter of buying gold, a time honored way to protect your wealth. What you should know is that buying gold can be very tricky! Folks in the region of San Diego are fortunate to have Goldzilla right in their back yard, but the good news is that Goldzilla actually advises investors all over the world. There are all different ways of buying gold.


At some firms, you actually buy your gold on paper and they store it for you. There are fees associated with such deals. Other companies will sell and ship you actual gold. The price of gold fluctuates every day. You certainly want to acquire it at the best price and timing can be everything when conducting such an investment. Then of course there is the matter of physically securing your investment. You owe it to yourself to speak directly to the advisors with all the answers, Goldzilla! You literally can’t afford to make any mistakes! Your goal to diversify your wealth can also take other strategies beyond precious metals. The good people at Goldzilla are well familiar with them and can recommend some after they analyze your portfolio and other investment criteria. People have been talking about a looming crisis over the horizon for a while now so please speak to Goldzilla sooner rather than later!